**Colour tones & flowers will vary. Photos are examples of style only. No exact replications.
Beautiful wrist corsages, designed to-order by our florists. The perfect floral accessory for small elopement ceremonies, graduation, anniversary celebrations, photography shoots, and more! Please select an appropriate colour palette from the options listed.
Colour matching: Colour matching for specific fabric shades is not recommended, as most florals are not available in such specific dyed fabric tones. The photos and colours listed on our website represent the most popular colour palettes, based on our collective shop experience. The photos also represent the types of flowers usually used for wearable florals.
Regarding corsage construction: Not all flowers are suitable for wearable florals, as the flowers must be able to last out of water for a day. Trust our talented and experienced florists to select the most appropriate florals. Popular choices include florals such as lisianthus, mini roses, orchids, anemones, ranunculus, freesia, and more, dependant on stock availability and seasonal availability.
Corsage Care: Corsages can be expected to last 1-2 days. They should be kept in a cool environment until use. ***Do not store in the fridge, or anywhere close to fruits or vegetables.***
How to Wear A Wrist Corsage: For wrist corsages, tie the ribbon around your wrist and secure in place with a knot or bow. Feel free to cut the remaining ribbon if it is too long.
Please place your order at least 2 days in advance. Deliveries require the recipient's local phone number. Please inform us of any floral sensitivities.